Monday, January 4, 2010

Gaga Goes Goo-goo

What did Cinderella do every midnight? She went back home. What should Lady gaga do now? She needs to be careful with medicine unless she wants to die because she almost passed the gate of death yesterday night.

Before the hot feeling of new start of 2010 disappears, Lady Gaga who is not only stunning for being nominated for five Grammy Awards and for Best Special Effects at the VMAs (Video Music Awards), but also famous for quirky actions jumped the gun first. She was discovered to be addicted to drugs and she almost died this time in Paris, France. While she enjoyed her party in L'HOTEL SAINT GERMAIN, she overdosed on Vicodin (pain killer with heroin) on January 3, 2010.

She OD'd, Didn't Die

It is an undeniable fact that she is one of the hottest singers. However, God might give her way too many things. He gave her a talent in singing, a sense of fashion, an attractive voice, but the god also added an eccentric way to think to some parts of her. What the hell was she thinking? Two days later from the night when she took the drug, she was supposed to start the world tour. She was totally tripping at that night, and she is in hospital without thinking of her concert now.

She Should Have Died

Roy Kok, a pain specialist in Paris examined her, and said, “She was just so lucky, nobody can survive in that kind of situation, and if I had been late little bit, she couldn’t have revived.”

Today morning, we could hear news about her from Entertainment TV. She needs a time to recover. If she doesn’t want to go to a rehab like Britney Spears who used to be the Queen of Pop but obviously not anymore, what does she have to do?

1 comment:

  1. -spelling mistakes..."becuase", "rehap"
    -sentence: "she needs to come back from the fancy world of drugs..." - unclear.
    -"she seems to overdose" - deleted "seems to", overdose = overdosed.
    -"she Oded" = She OD'd.
