Thursday, January 7, 2010

Taste of Cactus in Sahara Desert

Cactus Club Café
1136 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6E1B5

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Service: 3/5


When I stepped in Cactus Club Café, two servers with smiling faces welcomed me and my friends. We were four and another friend was supposed to come later. Our server ushered us to the seat at the back of the restaurant. It was warm and cozy.

We chose this restaurant because it was one of the reputable restaurants which opened in Vancouver, and we’d like to enjoy casual Canadian food.

We went there at lunch time, and there were not too much customers, in contrast to the night time. Not crowded, but the ambiance is still cool. A lot of paintings were hung on the wall. That could be make the atmosphere heavy and monotonous, but they also decorated the wall with vivid-colored neon signs, which means make the boring scene funky.

The outside of the restaurant you can see a patio, so you can get pleasure from the dazzling sunshine and epicurean taste on the sunny day.


We ordered potato skins as an appetizer. Salty bacon, tasty cheeses and potatoes were just a wonderful combination. It melted in my mouth. Because impression of first choice exceeded my hope, my expectation was getting higher.

One of my friends who is a vegetarian ordered garden burger. She said that she didn’t like hamburgers before because she usually had sauces all over her hands, but after she saw the burger, she couldn’t help her fingers to touch it unconsciously. Also, she didn’t stop acclaiming what she ordered. She said,“Fresh slices of tomatoes and pickles make my mouth watering. Moreover, heavenly grilled veggie patty and sautéed mushrooms are scrumptious. I know this patty isn't meat, but it looks perfectly juicy meat. I recently decide to become a vegetarian, so I want to eat meat sometimes. Veggie hamburger is just what the doctor ordered." "In addition, French fries are also appetizing. It is hot and beautifully yellow.”

I ordered Cajun chicken sandwich which contained charbroiled Cajun chicken and melted aged cheddar cheese. It was $13, and it is served with sea-salted fries. If you pay $1.50 more, you can substitute caesar salad, seasonal greens or yam fries for them.

I like spicy food, and the food with Cajun spice that I have usually eaten has a strong taste. However, this Cajun chicken sandwich wasn’t strong, which was obvious because Western people don’t like spicy food. So, Asian students or people who like spicy food just remember this information. The chicken was tender enough to enjoy, and a slice of tomato made it much more luscious. Lastly, the melted cheese perfectly matched with whole ingredients. After I took a bite of the sandwich, I could feel each of ingredients mixed together, so they made a synergy effect in my mouth. No need to worry. Even though you like spicy food or you don’t like chicken, at least one time, it's worth a try


Our server sometimes checked what we needed more, or tastes was okay. Overall, Cactus club café was following their reputations before my friend joined later. The server didn’t even ask or recommend any drinks to my friend. In the end, my friend asked the waiter for a glass of water when she got her food. At that time, just a few tables were occupied, which means she wasn’t busy. I don’t know why it happened. It might be just one time, but her service isn’t compatible with a 20% tip.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

10 Things You Should Eat

If you want to live longer and healthier, what should you do? Working out? It's important. However, what do you do three times a day? You eat. You have eaten food, and you will eat it to live. What you have to do now is just changing your junk food to delicious and nutrient chow. There are several things that experts recommend in no particular order, check them out.

1. Tomato

Every woman who wants to keep their gorgeous appearance, pay attention. Tomatoes contain all kinds of vitamins and minerals, so it makes skin soft and elastic. Especially, vitamin B prevents aging of skin and hair cells. Lycopene which red vegetables usually have reduces the activated oxygen, which means you can be looked younger than now. Also, one of the benefits of tomatoes is anti-cancer effects. So, when you eat meals, eat salad with tomatoes all the time.

2. Spinach

Why do you think that Popeye ate spinach? He didn’t eat it with no reason. Spinach is full of calcium and iron which are sources of bonds and blood. Obviously, it is good for women and growing children. You might not know how to cook it. There is an easy and simple recipe. Try it today.

3. Red Wine

When do you drink red wine? When you are with your honeybun? If you do, the probability of having a heart attack is getting lower. Indeed, there are some studies which show that people from the Mediterranean region who regularly drank red wine have lower risks of heart disease. However, you should remember old saying “Too much of something is as bad as too little.”

4. Nuts

They have plenty of vegetable fat and vitamins. Representative nutrients of nuts are vitamin E and monounsaturated fat. They protect your brain from aging. Eating nuts is tasty, but if you cook them, They will be delectable: Black walnut spread

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is eminent in making the functions of the stomach and intestines better. Also, it helps you to recover from your stomach ache.

6. Oats

As long as you are going to buy some bread, buy a loaf of bread with oats. It contains significant amount of fiber, so it helps you to avoid colorectal cancer and recover from constipation.

7. Salmon

Salmon is a highly nutritious food. Of course, it is high in protein, and the good fats (omega-3). I think everyone know how good the omega-3 is. Here, I suggest a very unique dish: Osaka grilled salmon Steaks. It uses soy sauce and Japanese miso paste, so even though the salmon has lots of fat, you can feel new and fresh taste.

8. Garlic

Garlic improves our immune systems. It is not just a spice anymore. If you don’t like the smell of the garlic, grill it. You can taste dainty and savory flavor.

9. Green Tea

The secret of the green tea is the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols. It is helpful for eliminating waste materials in your body. Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Sometimes, drinking a cup of Green tea is good idea instead of a cup of coffee.

10. Blueberry

Blueberries are blue chip stocks. They are also considered as super food, because they contain large amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C and dietary fiber. They can be used to make sauce and make bread’s flavor rich. Today, why don’t you try unusual but appetizing soup?: Chilled blueberry soup

Monday, January 4, 2010

Gaga Goes Goo-goo

What did Cinderella do every midnight? She went back home. What should Lady gaga do now? She needs to be careful with medicine unless she wants to die because she almost passed the gate of death yesterday night.

Before the hot feeling of new start of 2010 disappears, Lady Gaga who is not only stunning for being nominated for five Grammy Awards and for Best Special Effects at the VMAs (Video Music Awards), but also famous for quirky actions jumped the gun first. She was discovered to be addicted to drugs and she almost died this time in Paris, France. While she enjoyed her party in L'HOTEL SAINT GERMAIN, she overdosed on Vicodin (pain killer with heroin) on January 3, 2010.

She OD'd, Didn't Die

It is an undeniable fact that she is one of the hottest singers. However, God might give her way too many things. He gave her a talent in singing, a sense of fashion, an attractive voice, but the god also added an eccentric way to think to some parts of her. What the hell was she thinking? Two days later from the night when she took the drug, she was supposed to start the world tour. She was totally tripping at that night, and she is in hospital without thinking of her concert now.

She Should Have Died

Roy Kok, a pain specialist in Paris examined her, and said, “She was just so lucky, nobody can survive in that kind of situation, and if I had been late little bit, she couldn’t have revived.”

Today morning, we could hear news about her from Entertainment TV. She needs a time to recover. If she doesn’t want to go to a rehab like Britney Spears who used to be the Queen of Pop but obviously not anymore, what does she have to do?